23 January 2008

In the Vogue primary, my vote goes to Hillary

I apologize for the lack of posting today, but I've been buried under a massive pile of work work since last night, and unfortunately, I don't anticipate a reprieve until tomorrow afternoon.

Check back then for a post a week in the making on why, when it comes to this fashion-versus-function battle, I fall squarely and surprisingly on the side of Ms. Square-Toed Pumps herself, Hillary Clinton.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to tend to the pair of steamer trunks forming underneath my eyes with a couple of fresh, cool pumps of Darphin...

as you were,


Anonymous said...

I think Monte went turncoat and showed up on Project Beltway today...

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking that you'd probably write something on that. can't wait to see it!


Anonymous said...

I can't stop looking at those Kirkwood pumps. That heel is so interesting. Great find!

This month's Vogue spread on Kate Bosworth is perfection, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

now if only you're *real* vote went to Hillary or at least someone on the blue side!

Anonymous said...

I think you found the one photo where Hillary actually looks more attractive than the person she's next to. What a hideous pic of Anna!!

excited for the post (and the consignment event!)

Anonymous said...

Monte is waaaaay cuter

Anonymous said...

you're so diligent at posting that I almost forget you have a regular full-time job! go do your work and hurry back!

Anonymous said...

Hilary is pretty attractive! And, she is as charming as hell when she wants to be!

As women age, grace, intelligence, power, accomplishment, eloquence, confidence, and fulfillment become the defining factor of whether someone is attractive. I find Nancy Palosi, Hilary Clinton, Madelline Albright and the likes all attractive, more so than women who have spent their entire life looking good and "sexy" when they were young. Look at an aged Hollywood female star vs. an aged female politician/professor/businesswoman/diplomat/doting grandmother, etc, and tell me which you'd rather have as a girlfriend when you are looking for someone to date in their 60's and beyond...

Acutally the same could be said for men: content matters more as one ages...

Anonymous said...

An "aged Hollywood star" can still qualify as accomplished, graceful and intelligent, no?

Give me Carla Bruni over HillCli *any* day of the week.

Anonymous said...

OK. You can have Carla, I still want Hilary. We'll double date!

Bird Removal Temple said...

Thanks for tthis blog post