19 April 2007

Angelina started young

"I was very sexual in kindergarten. I was a member of a group called the Kissy Girls. I created a game where I'd kiss the boys and give them all cooties. Then we'd make out and we'd take our clothes off. I got in trouble a lot."

(Angelina Jolie in the latest issue of Britain's OK! Magazine)

It makes sense if you think about it.

An effortless, obvious-to-everyone-who-even-looks-at-her primal sexuality like Angie's isn't something that develops over time but rather is so organically a part of her personality she probably just discovered it one day when she crossed her legs a little too tightly in the middle of her teacher's reading of Hatchet.

And then again during spelling class. And the next day during her fractions test.

What's that, kindergarten doesn't have spelling and fractions?

My bad, I must be thinking of some other precocious little thing...


Anonymous said...

she is gorgeous.....I would be afraid she would hurt me tho....

Anonymous said...

You are such a tart. I love it! No really, I love it.

Anonymous said...

Hatchet? That's when this person discovered her sexuality? She and Angelina are two weird peas in a pod...

Jenifer said...

You've been nominated! :-)


Anonymous said...

I just voted for you! I checked out some of your "competition" -- it seems more than half of the writers have a 7th grade or below writing level.

It was really frustrating to endure after getting used to reading your perfectly crafted sentences.

Did I just hear your ego inflate a little bit? Okay, a lot?