Bad shoes.
They're not just in DC and not just on the feet of middle-aged secretaries and stay at home Moms who consider their wide-strapped nubuck Mephisto sandals the perfect "goin' out" complement to their J. Jill 'Wearever' separates.
No, even the youngest, most well-paid, and in some cases, truly stylish stars are prone to an off day when it comes to footwear.
Below are what I consider the 10 worst offenses (so far) of 2008.
Enjoy as best you can...
you'd picked the
silver fox instead of the
young waiter, you'd probably have made off with a nicer parting gift than these
your heavy,
heavy sadness must require a lot of moonboot cushioning, huh?
How very uncharacteristically Del
Boca Vista of you,
oh stylish one...
Burberry plaid + pointy-toe = one more reason why I never buy magazines with
you on the cover...
She's the last person I'd expect to rock a B-'n'-T espadrille of this
As amazing as your pins are,
m'dear, the French tips and cork heeled prom shoes have me leaning toward team LC...
Thankfully, the rest of
you doesn't fit at all with the Mary-Poppins-gone-bondage theme you've created from the ankle down...
I would've loved these when I was 15...oddly enough, the last time I loved
you was when I was 15!
you and
Tamra from "Real Housewives" would rock this kind of tacky sh*t...
Not only are
you inept at counting, but you also can't seem to tell the difference between Broadway kicks and red carpet heels...
It's a tie for worst between Rachel Bilson and Beyonce, but I think since Rach's was for a photo shoot, she has an excuse. Those chandeliers on B's feet on the other mess.
how can you dislike Jennifer Aniston??
I am SO Heigl-ed out.
I agree with m_d about Katherine but Beyonce's shoes are the worst of the group.
B's are bad but I find Jennifer Aniston's most offensive. Like J though I think it's because I find her so insufferable. Does Lindsey always wear leggings?? I don't think I've seen her in anything but in months!
Thank you for not slamming Uggs. As someone who loves to rock only fabulous shoes, I have been known to don a pair here and there (for comfort and warmth purposes only).
I agree they're ugly and as soon as winter is gone, they go back in storage I promise :)
Katherine, honey, how hard would a pair of chocolate leather boots be?
Loved the slam on RHOC's Tamra. Please tell me you all saw this week's episode when she wore the red bedazzled dress. It makes me a bit teary to think that she got a $40,000 watch for her birthday and doesn't have the taste to buy a dress that looks like it costs more than $9.99. Sigh.
I'm going to have disagree with you all about Jennifer Aniston and Katherine Heigl's shoes. They are actually cute. We're all entitled to our opinions . . .
Because I agree Rachel Bilson gets a pass, the only person I'm really surprised at here is Katherine Heigl. She usually has such chic and sophisticated taste. Those Burberrys look like something from the set of "Working Girl".
Jennifer Love Hewitt - are those elastic bands on your Rockette heels?
French tips on fingers are bad enough, but they're unspeakable on toes. Shudder.
I'm really so sick of the pootie.
I agree that french tips on toes is completely unspeakable, unforgivable, raunchy, etc. A girlfriend got married and made us (the bridesmaids) get french manicures son our toes. I was outraged!!!
I find it humorous that Posh has the least ugly shoes of the bunch
ugh what did GQ do to Bilson? She is so cute and I love the way she dresses. For shame, GQ.
I think the worst are the ones on the girl from the Hills. I didn't realize that shoes could be that unflattering to feet!
Kristen's are bad, Lindsay's are worse but Love Hewitt's are my least favorite. They look like something an 8 year old would pick out. She must have a hell of a time finding shoes in a size 2 ;)
The shoes that hurt my eyes the most are square-toed elastic-gored high-heeled loafer pumps with stacked heels, like these:
Could there be a less feminine and flattering shoe??
Kristen's feet look like they're attempting to devour the shoes underneath. The concept of figure flattering apparel does not exempt feet.
aw, I actually liked those Chloe shoes...but I tend to lose my taste for things if Lohan gets her paws on them first. I've seen them styled very well.
I think Heigl's matching scarf is probably the worst part about the look. A matching scarf? Where am I? A Savannah Georgia Tea Party?
i don't mind the second pair on gwen, but the rest make me shudder. i was surprised the yellow strappy monstrosities belonged to posh. not that i expect her to have good taste, but i was surprised that she has the feet of a much older woman.
I actually like the first pair - just not with semi-sheer leggings! Beyonce's crystal swags and the the french-pedi toe-spillage were the worst.
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