05 May 2007

I like my men and women derby, reeeal derby

Being the shameless opportunist I am, today - Kentucky Derby Day - is the one day of the year I'm more inclined to name-drop my Lexington horse-country half than my Pacific-Islander half.

And once the cool of the silver and the punch of the Early-Times-saturated mint hits my senses of taste and smell, respectively, my pretension has a tendency to elevate a notch or three higher with a very conscious transition from my everyday, non-regional diction to my Daddy's unmistakable "Lull-ville, not Louie-ville" affectation.

Having missed the opportunity from 2002 to 2004 to indulge in Derby debauchery due to my decision to live in the slushy dumpster known as the People's Republic of China, and then again from 2004 to 2006 while I wasted my wit and charm drawing up 16-indicator East Asian military transparency analytic frameworks, you can understand why I was more than thrilled to accept a reader's invitation (a decision clinched by the brilliance of the last line of her Evite: "Bring friends provided they are not boring, terribly unattractive, or children") and finally pull myself out of this only-Dido-understands-what-I'm-feeling heartache, slip on a preppy-sexy ensemble (I'm thinking this vintage sweetheart-strapless dress paired with these also-vintage platform faux croc peeptoes - both items chock-full of him-related memories and in dire need of a style ablution of this sort) and get ready to talk derby - reeeeal derby - with some new, "not terribly unattractive" faces.

Tipsily-written style report to come later on tonight. Actually, the more I look at my hot legs in these hot shoes (with Montesquieu's hot dog bed in the background), the more likely I think I won't see y'all 'til tomorrow...


Anonymous said...

Those shoes are hot! You got those in the Village, yes?

Ablution or no ablution, certain items will always be his. That's just the way it works. Embrace how much fun you had in them, don't focus on the breakup.

Shoes like that deserve more than just one guy's worth of good times :)

Anonymous said...

Is that the Greenbrier? I'd know that carpet anywhere!

Johanna said...

bff - I know, I know, but it's worth a try. Or seven.

anonymous - yes, it is the Greenbrier! Good eye! There's only one other person I know who was able to pick out a place based on the carpet. Maybe it's something about luxury hotels...

Anonymous said...

Where did you get those shoes?? Oh wait, you said vintage, didn't you. Shoot. They're very Betty Boop. I love them!

You need to share with us the vintage stores you frequent. I go to NYC on occasion (2-3x a year), and if I had a few of your recs to go on, I would definitely carve out an afternoon just to check them out.

Not that you need the ego boost, but your calves look amazing in the dress photo. And I can tell from who you're standing next to (ahem) that that was *before* you got all skinny on us...