That was my friend Andrew's response when I told him in August I'd decided to leave my position at ELLE and move back to DC.
Before you assume this, my final entry, is some kind of sanctimonious, "I've seen the light, and let me tell you" post-mortem of my 21 months working on the real-life set of that Meryl Streep movie, I promise you it's not....entirely.
But I did leave. After all I did to get there -- this blog, that show, those hours -- I ultimately decided to walk away. Because I won't trash specific people (publicly), it's not the juiciest story, but it may be revelatory for some, and it is one I want to share.
First, the positive stuff. My job at ELLE during the first year, as a junior editor, consisted of 2-3 month learn-the-ropes rotations with the fashion, fashion news, beauty, and features departments. On my first day, I was brought into the big corner office, asked what I enjoyed, what I thought I was good at, and where I saw myself "fitting in" at the magazine. Instead of being pooled with the interns, I was given every editorial first chance I wanted. And in that first year, I wanted.
Not knowing the proper protocol -- and only having held one previous job at an office where the director prided himself on running "a completely flat organization"-- I took my legal pad of ideas and walked into the offices of the editors who I thought were the right people for the pitch. Often, the right people, in my mind, were very senior people.
You see where this is going?
To my face, they were gracious. If they liked an idea they said so; if they didn't, they said so. I found it all very easy. Nothing like the stereotype.
The second year, Her Smizeness stopped paying my rent, but I was asked to stay on in relatively the same capacity. The only change was titular: I was now a contributing editor.
With the dumpster state of the economy, I knew how lucky I was to keep my tiny plot in that Broadway office. As one editor said to me in the elevator a couple of days after I'd gotten the offer: "Heard you got hired hired. Right now, that's like getting into Yale -- except harder."
This not-quite congratulations was followed by an eyebrow raise that communicated the one line from that one movie that by the end of my time at ELLE had replaced "This is all I'm capable of right now" as my least favorite eight-word movie line of all-time.
You know the one: "A million girls would kill for this job."
And judging from the hordes of unpaid interns logging full-time weeks every week, I knew it was true. We all did. It was like a storm cloud, always hovering above the rank and file, keeping us from dwelling on the ridiculously low pay, unforgiving schedule, and venomous middle-school antics.
Not that the work itself wasn't a major source of happiness.
Pretty much any idea I came up with, whether it had to do with fashion, film, books, pop culture, or the straight-up bizarre (to wit: a Q&A with The Human Centipede's director, Tom Six), I was given the green light to pursue, write, self-edit, and slap ELLE's slim Gothic font above it.
The hours were breakneck, but I was having fun for a living -- and becoming a better writer.
At the end of this summer, just under two years invested, I came to a hard realization: Regardless of how much I loved my work (and most of the people I worked with), my overall quality of life had deteriorated.
When you're 22, work is all about passion. Money is irrelevant -- more than that, it's vulgar. Be creatively fulfilled or bust! When you're 29 turning 30, however, living in Manhattan on a fashion magazine writer's salary goes from romantic to irresponsible to untenable pretty quickly.
The same goes for inter-office bitchery.
When you're new and unformed, there's a good chance you deserve to be spoken to in that tone about that mistake by that very senior person. That's how you learn and earn your thicker skin. Once you've been at the game for a while and you begin to recognize that the tone is never pleasant, the mistake wasn't yours, and that that senior person seems to spend most of their time undermining others, screaming at other people's children, and reminding the junior staff they're not allowed to sit in meetings when there are more than enough empty chairs, well, at that point, you have to make a decision.
So I did.
I love ELLE. I love the magazine, and I love that I had the chance to contribute to its history in a small way. It was there I learned how to report, edit, and find my voice as a journalist. It was there that I got my first byline, conducted my first real interview, and got my hands on copies of Milan Kundera's "Encounter" AND the Baby-sitters Club prequel four months in advance.
And, hello, I got to meet Carol Burnett and Amber Rose. At the same time. In a Beverly Hills bathroom.
So, for all the crying I did on my office floor, for all the shredded-cheese-on-Saltines pity dinners I endured, and for all the "Get me something cuntier!" directives I had to obey, there's nothing I would have done differently.
But it is mighty nice to be back in Washington.
13 October 2010
"Dreams are for poor people."
Posted by
6:01 PM
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1 – 200 of 401 Newer› Newest»Welcome back!! Hope for the best for you, and I'm sure you'll find an amazing job somewhere else and sometime soon!!
And this is why I never take the blogs I truly love out of my reader.
Welcome back. This pleases me so!
I have no idea what made me click this link in my bookmarks tonight, but I'm so glad I did. Welcome back! (You are going to keep blogging, right? *crossing fingers*) I hope DC welcomed you back warmly!
Welcome back to DC! And I'm glad I didn't take you off my reader, or I would have missed this.
I'm glad that I kept ASJINE in my Google Reader too! Welcome back.
Welcome back!
Glad to see you're back! Are you still going to blog?
i usually unsubscribe to a blog if it hasn't been updated in over 3 months. yours is the only one i've kept. when i noticed you disappeared from elle, i google searched you because i was curious to see what you'd moved on to. i only found your twitter and started following it immediately. i think you have an amazing fashion sense but really, i admire our other sensibilities more. congrats on our decisions. best of luck!
i admire *your* other sensibilities more
I follow you on twitter (discovered via Ms. Spinach), and when I saw you posted a blog entry, I could barely believe it. It's nice to hear how your time went in NY and why you moved back to DC. I hope you are happier at your new job than with Miranda Priestly.
Welcome back! We missed you!
Now, can you go back to blogging here too? :)
Congratulations on making the brave decision to do what is truly best for you.
I'm so lame that I don't even have any alerts on this site...I just dig around the archives so regularly that I happened to see this new post!
PLEASE consider that this--this blog--seems to be truly what you are meant to do! (On top of many other fabulous--and well-paying--things, of course.)
Wow Johanna how great is to have you back in DC, no idea why but I kept your blog link, and here you're!
I hope to hear more about your experiences at Elle, I kind of know the pain from working at Conde Nast in London.
I have not looked at this blog in over a year, but tonight I had some time on my hands and googled it to see if you ever came back. What perfect timing! I hope you continue to write on this blog!
Is there any way we can beg, cajole, urge, tempt, or PAY you to start this blog again? D.C. needs it, the world needs it, and most importantly, *I* need it!
I'm right there with anon- I would give part of my paycheck. Please, DC needs this! All the ladies who wear heels to work *everyday* regardless of rain, snow, sleet... We need this. Please.
I totally understand what you write and how you feel about the job at ELLE. I share the same feelings...though I am not working at a fashion magazine like you.
I wish every best for you and hope you have wonderful job in your future!
You're weak
What happened to you was not cool. I am in that situation. However, from what I can tell. You were seen as "that winner from that show" no one exactly took you seriously and you got to write and do things because you were on the show. You were lucky. You were not taking with the respect you deserved. I bet if someone sat down with you and heard what you had to say they would realize how smart you actually were.
DC is not a fashion city but it is becoming one. Kudos.
Sooo... does that mean you're posting again?? *Twiddles fingers*
I read your blog from the beginning. I kept reading you because:
1. you've got style
2. you're smart
3. you kick ass
It's great that you had a fun run at ELLE, but I fully support your decision and hope that the next chapter in your life restores your personal life and happiness.
I read the post on Jezebel and was utterly shocked at the slanted description of your departing. Not what I have come to expect from them.'
Looking forward to reading your posts here again.
I don't know you, but am here from the Jezebel link.
Good for you for learning all you could at Elle and leaving a toxic situation when you were able. Bullying isn't okay at work, even if it's the price of a being part of a particular highly sought-after position. Best of luck to you in your next endeavor.
Johanna...Please read comments at Jezebel. I left one for you. It's a reply, so you have to expand the comments if you don't see it straight off. Anyhow, ALL THE BEST to you, hun. I respect your integrity. Do not bend for no one: This is YOUR life and you have to live it. Make it as happy as you can. But I think you know this already! xo
this is refreshing! and in no way does it sound like "burning bridges" to me. [i came here via jezebel]
i think that it's wholly unrealistic to assume that just because somebody got a job that they happened to be qualified for, that they shld forever and always be eternally grateful to the organization that hired them. regardless of your industry, i think it's ridiculous to have to feel like you need to be indebted to senior staff for the so-called opportunity of a lifetime. yes, we all have to 'pay our dues,' 'learn the ropes' and aclimatize to work culture, but it doesn't mean we have to pay with our sanity, our health or our souls.
i used to work in the hi-end interior design industry as a pr/communications specialist and for one firm in particular which was well known for their poor treatment of staff. in fact they were notorious for their behaviour, but the young staff stuck it out for the "glamour" and "opportunity." the pay was shit, but by association there was such prestige. staff would often be found crying in the washrooms because of the treatment of senior staff. to say that we were bullied was an understatement. there was a lot of manipulation and mindgames. in hindsight, it was quite the toxic environment.
eventually, one does grow up, and one does grow out of certain situations, and you realize that integrity is better than popularity so you move on to your own thing. which sounds like what you're doing. congrats! and good luck! you will be fab!
cheers xobolaji []
congrats on moving forward in life!
Hmmm...the BSC prequel and meeting Carol Burnett sounds like it might have been worth it!
I'm just going to keep asking you to PLEASE START THIS BLOG BACK UP AGAIN until you do! It's great and you are fantastic. I hope Jezebel readers dig around in the wonderful archives.
On all counts...good for you!
Welcome back and good luck in all future endeavors! I loved the honesty in what you wrote...And I like you double now that I know you enjoy Kundera :D
I love you for this. Congratulations on your move back and all the success you've had!
Lela London - Fashion Blog and Shoe Blog
I hope you dont expect pity. Any claim you had to drag on heartstrings was forfeit after your posts about fat women needing to earn clothes and other heinous jabs at the weight of strangers. Your bosses at Elle wanted something cuntier? You should have handed them a copy of your shitty blog.
Xobolagi wrote, "i think that it's wholly unrealistic to assume that just because somebody got a job that they happened to be qualified for, that they shld forever and always be eternally grateful to the organization that hired them."
Absolutely correct! A job is a two-way deal. The employee gets paid, hopefully gets benefits, and perhaps gets an opportunity to do learn from other skilled professionals. The company gets another skilled professional, the opportunity to use their brain, their time, and frequently their ideas even when the company chooses not to use them.
When younger, I used to be loyal to companies, until I repeatedly saw others (and once or twice myself) treated like interchangeable parts. Now I'm loyal to my *work*. I do an excellent job, I hone my skills, I do my best, and I've never left a place without leaving it better for my having been there. That's more than I can say for some employers.
I think we work pretty close to one another. I remember seeing you on the street once or twice before you left for Stylista and thought I saw you yesterday (if so your black boots were fabulous). Today I was thinking I should look up your blog and see what you are up to. Then I saw the post on Jezebel.
I didn't always agree with what you wrote here, but I have always found you to be stylish, smart, entertaining. And I respect you even more for leaving Elle and knowing yourself.
From one woman who doesn't take shit from anyone, regardless of their job title, congratulations, and thank you for showing other women that, NO, you do not have to be treated like poo, make no money, and give up your life for nothing in return. I frankly find it sad that anyone would argue your point otherwise.
As for those women who posted in the comments section of Jezebel that they had earned the right to treat people like you like shit...because that's the way the work environment worked...I feel pretty fucking sorry for them.
We should all take a moment to locate our backbones the way you have. You have inspired me to not be so pathetic in my own life.
The fashion world is a bunch of bullshit. My cleaning lady makes more an hour than me.
Congrats on getting out!
Stylista jsut started broadcasting where I live and I looked you up after I found out you won the prize. Kate said you were not cut out for the job, and I think she was right. I'm surprised your age never came up as an issue on the show, and by your own admission, it should have been.
Ashlei, Megan, Dyshawn and even Kate should have won. One of them might have actually enjoyed the opportunity. What a waste.
Well I'm late to this party but I am glad too that you're back.
I think we may have briefly talked about this at one point, but I spent the first 5 years post-college chasing the fashion dream in NY too. I worked as a Buyer, but the claim to wretched-fame had to be working for Calvin Klein. By far the worst job ever.
The fashion world looks so glamorous from the outside, but the truths that lie inside are really astonishing.
Take for instance the widespread desire to be a buyer by so many. When you learn the truth: that you get a huge budget and really only get to play with maybe 5% of it, that the powers that be in retail organizations dictate what you have to buy based on margin, money, incentives and promotion potential, that online retailing has killed the bricks and mortar, that you get raked over the coals for merchandise you have to sell, it sucks.
And as a manufacturer, it sucks to see the best of your line get tossed because it doesn't speak to the masses, or it is too expensive to make, or you have a great discount on production of another product so you have to forfeit this's awful.
From the outside looking in, it's great, from the inside looking out, yikes. I can only imagine what you went through.
Welcome back.
I don't know who you are, I'm an investment banker not a fashionista (except my closet, and that fact that I have indeed worn a Pucci sequin top to a rural school parent's meeting) but I like what you just said so much, and it is completely vivid. Drama does come from conflict, often that means suffering, so the question sits: do you lose the juice when you lose the trauma? I'll add your blog with high expectations.
Long time reader of your blog, which is my absolute favorite, and I often go to the archives for fashion advice: please, please, please start blogging again!!
I am selfishly thrilled that you are back in DC and hope you will start up the old blog again. I've missed it so much!
Hi Johanna,
Is today the day you let us know when you're going to start blogging again? You know we need motivation and inspiration for the holiday season, right?!
Best of Luck.
I'm so glad I decided to revisit your blog today. I absolutely love your writing, your sense of style and your integrity. I honestly think that you're too good for ELLE and I am certain that you'll find success and happiness in your future ventures. I think it's extremely cool that you had the guts to follow a dream and know when to leave it behind for something more rewarding.
As an avid reader I can only wish you start blogging again - about any subject matter you feel like sharing with us!
Good for you for knowing the best path to take and when to get out of a bad situation. Best wishes in DC!
I'm hoping she'll take advantage of holiday down time to start this blog back up, or start a new one. A gift for us all that really needs to start giving again! We miss you!
Thank you for posting this, it was quite helpful and told a lot
Please please start blogging again! I still haven't found another blog that I HAVE to check daily the way I did with yours... so entertaining, well-written, and of course, such great taste.
I no longer live in DC, but hope your return to the city will also mean a return to this little corner of the internet.
You looked so beautiful at the KC Honors! Must have been a wonderful night. Cheers to you!
Welcome back to DC! Hope to run into you. We should def. still do that consignment event. : )
-Maria (Righteous (re)Style)
You're the best!!
Ha ha..just like so many others here, I have no idea why I looked you up today after this whole time - though am glad I did. Welcome back...look forward to hearing from you :)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, may all your wishes come true!
I guess they didn't respect you because you won on a television show. They should have because you one no less and earned that job.
I wished to thank you for this nice read!! I positively enjoying every little little bit of it I have you bookmarked to check out new stuff you post
You got great points there, that's why I always love checking out your blog.
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Hi - I am certainly delighted to discover this. great job!
Hi Johanna,
Just wanted you to know that I saw a royal blue faux Herve Leger bandage dress with matching blue strappy platforms busting it up the escalator in front of me at Farragut West this morning. Yep, 8:30 a.m. on a Thursday, in downtown DC. Homegirl ducked into a nearby office building. I am *praying* that she was some sort of strip-o-gram for the partners and not a temp or a young attorney.
Or maybe it was a cry for help? COME BACK, Ms. J! The world still needs you.
Just so you know we are here waiting for you to come back to this blog!!
Pretty please?
Hi...Your post really got me thinking man..... an intelligent piece,I must say.
Spotted on *Pennsylvania Avenue*: a woman with great make-up, decent medium-length brown hair and an elegant black business suit...wearing black BAREFOOT sneakers. Yes. The kind that show every single toe.
And no, she wasn't carrying shoes. And her bag was so small, it was obvious there were no shoes in it, either. One can only assume she changes shoes in her office.
Oh, the humanity. We've never met, but I love this blog to this day. And any time I see something hideous in DC, I miss your blogging.
well back with good and latest stuff.
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All guys say DC sux for them, so you may be doing the right thing as you careen towards the Wall.
You're cute now, but the "humorous" sugar-daddy remarks are going to tend to make the Mortgage Buffalo you need wary. All guys over 40 ( of course you could NEVER date anyone over 35!!) know a victim of Divorce Rape.
"Well they should be able to take a joke." They will. You as a spinster.
Welcome back to DC! And I'm glad I didn't take you off my reader, or I would have missed this.
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