19 June 2007

Toe talons make my eyes go "ouch"

I'm always happy to see a woman wearing skinny-heeled peep toes.

I'm always happy to see a woman who takes the time to remedy the unprofessional miscue that is chipped toe polish.

And though I will always be a black polish girl, I'm elated to see other women who brighten things up with ten small pedicured punches of pink, red and coral.

That being said, exposed and on-display toe talons - i.e. toenails that extend past the toe itself and begin to curl downward (see below, and if you're a masochist, here) - go well beyond the comparatively benign offenses of evening shoes during the work day, quilted Vera Bradley totes, even sleeveless with three-days worth of reaching-for-the-razor forgetfulness as perhaps the most stomach-turning move a professional woman could make.

Seriously, I can't even look at my favorite Cosi salad right now (I've hidden it behind my laptop screen for the time being), because all I can think about are the two iPod-sized big toenails an otherwise respectably dressed young woman who ordered a Signature Salad with extra pistachios and dressing on the side had sticking out of her textured Enzo Angiolini Maylie pumps.

What a waste of one of my two $2-off coupons.


BerryGirl said...

I just saw that on the elevator today at work. So gross! What would lead a person to let that happen?

Anonymous said...

Oh, gross gross GROSS! What bothers me the most is women with French pedis curling over their toes. It is just wrong! What man wants to feel daggers against his bare legs in bed? It amazes me that some women manage to feel feminine after giving their men the dagger toe treatment. Disgusting!

Anonymous said...

I think I speak for all of your readers in the Central time zone when I say "thank you" for ruining our lunch.

That first picture alone sent me over the edge.

Anonymous said...

the toenail comment is spot on, but Vera Bradley is a Southern thing- don't knock it.

Anonymous said...

I'm from 'Bama and Vera Bradley makes me want to puke. Good analogy!

Anonymous said...

i know this is a bit off subject but this reminds me of another thing i didn't see until i got to dc -- why do so many african american men have long fingernails? maybe it is white guys also but i don't know... i just don't understand -- it is like they are well-filed, and mostly clean, but incredibly disgustingly long!

am i the only one who notices this? can someone explain why?

Johanna said...


You're not the only one who's noticed it, but likely the only one with the guts to raise it! Not sure why that is, but I know Chinese men do it, too. At least the ones *in* China do. And don't guitarists do it?


Anonymous said...

Long nails - on fingers or toes - is one of my biggest pet peeves. Positively disgusting!

I too am curious about African American and Asian men (I haven't seen this on white guys either) who keep their nails long. I don't care how manicured and well kept those nails are, it's gross. If anyone on this blog can shed some light on this trend, I'd greatly appreciate it.

Anonymous said...

a guy i used to work with kept his nails long because he said it was easier to take out his braids/dreds when it was time to get them re-done...

georgia said...

I was mean to myself today and clicked on the photobucket link. No afternoon snacks for me now! Ick.

Anonymous said...

also a southerner. also turned off by the vera bradley bag.

Anonymous said...

Ewwww totally gross......no dinner
tonight..........I don't understand how people can function with long nails period........

Anonymous said...

Fingernails, toenails -- that length is not only gross but it's unprofessional.

Right on with this post.