I have a large, red quilted Chanel bag that I borrowed from my sister Ashley. I wore it to an event and never gave it back. Luckily, she's moved on to another bag, so I'm safe for now. I'm not quite sure how many bags I have, but let's just say I have a few. When I find a bag I like, I tend to wear it to death until I become obsessed with another one. This probably happens three to five times a year. But I always come back to the Chanel. The size isn't overwhelming, and it has enough subtle detail to keep it interesting.
I'm trying really hard not to pull several different kinds of rank here - after all, a good writer is a good writer for her style and precision, not her formal experience or academic pedigree - but this review MK Olsen put together for The New York Times on how she likes to "do [her] own thing" with her favorite red Chanel handbag is an example of unearned celebrity privilege at its most egregious.
Next thing you know, we'll be reading a Katie Holmes-penned article in The Washington Post on the "funnest" part of faking her pregnancy or a piece by Nicole Richie in Newsweek in which she describes how "exhilarating" it feels to crack a malnourished rib during foreplay.
Actually, those are two articles I'd much prefer to waste five minutes of my lunch hour reading than having to endure any more of MK's dangling-participle-ridden drivel.
On the bright side, at least we now know what two-half-assed-semesters-at-NYU caliber writing looks like.
How did they get into college? My 4 year old neice is more articulate than this when describing her *favoritest* things.
She's also a better dresser.
I am shocked, absolutely shocked at Mary-Kate's revelation that she doesn't have a stylist. And I find it amazing that she didn't end this with "And I also would like a pony. The End."
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