23 February 2007

This about sums it up.

This scene from Serendipity expresses better than I ever could with words exactly how I feel every time I'm surrounded by Manhattan's splendidly frenetic pace.

It could be a professional daytrip like today, a quick overnighter, or one of those rare 72-hour stretches where the beginnings of a lovely routine begin to take shape: "In Good Health" breakfasts, giggle-filled walks from Columbus Circle to just past Fiorello's, and before dinner cocktails at the King Cole bar where we bask just as much in the pleasure of Maxfield Parrish's painting as we do in the spirits just below his Majesty's feet.

It's all quite magical to me.

As is the fact that no matter where I find myself eating the white part of a black-and-white cookie or what department store display I'm gape-mouthed in front of, "January Rain" and "Northern Sky" always manage to come out of nowhere to fill my ears - and my heart - with one-day-I'll-make-this-town-mine reminders of how deeply in love I am with this place.


Anonymous said...

you and your Serendipity obsession...


What a great scene. True love *does* win in the end, sleepyhead.

You're gonna get this, by the way. We all feel it. We all know it.

Anonymous said...

Very true. It's destiny.

Sigh. DC's going to seem a lot greyer. And it hardly needed any help in THAT direction.


Anonymous said...

Is it wrong to cry every time I see that scene? It's SO romantic.

anyone who doesn't believe Hollywood can capture that meant-to-be notion needs to watch this!

Thanks for sharing.